Get in touch with us

Certum pays a lot of attention to providing Clients with as complete information as possible at each stage of the report. In case of any technical problems or inquiries regarding our offer, please use chat, the hotline or the contact form.
We promise that no question will remain unanswered.
Certum Consultants communicate in English and are available during business hours Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm Central European Time.
Visit one of our
Points of Sale
There you can:
- get a Certum e-Signature in 30 minutes
- get a consultation about using an e-Signature
- verify your identity
- purchase qualified services and data security certificates
- purchase smart cards, smart card readers and accessories
- buy cards, certificates, readers and accessories
Become a Reseller
Offer your clients the most popular e-Signature in Poland.
Learn about the benefits of our Reseller Program:
- 2 partnership models
- 4 billing models
- Dedicated Account Manager
Contact Details
ul. Bajeczna 13
71-838 Szczecin
fax: +48 91 4257 422
Complaint Services
Please submit complaints via e-mail:
or by postal service, addressed to:
Asseco Data Systems S.A.
Królowej Korony Polskiej 21,
70-486 Szczecin, Poland
marked „Complaints”