Document Signing Certificate. Sign documents legally with one click.
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Document Signing Certificate - advanced electronic signature

The Document Signing Certificate is an Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) that authenticates a person’s or organization’s identity. It enables automatic, safe and legal signing of documents and significantly accelerates their exchange both within a company and with its business partners. It supports Adobe, Office and Libra Office file formats.

The Document Signing Certificate meets the highest security standards

The Certum’s certificate meets the requirements of eIDAS, and also ensures compliance with the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL), which enables digital signing of documents stored in Adobe Document Cloud solutions. It also allows integration with Adobe Sign, Docu Signing and many other e-document signing programs.
With the Document Signing Certificate, you can be confident that:
- the person signing the document confirms their identity,
- the document has not been altered and the data contained therein are protected,
- the date and time the document was authenticated are confirmed with a time stamp
Verification of identity and data 100% online

You can obtain the Document Signing Certificate quickly and conveniently through remote identity verification. Certum offers tools for remote data verification – all a person has to do is use the facial recognition function combined with document verification. The process of confirming identity and obtaining a certificate is secure and carried out automatically and remotely.
The certificate is stored on a virtual card. This makes it possible to sign documents:
- without using a physical card,
- from anywhere in the world,
- with easy remote verification,
- with the highest security standards