Renew or activate signature

Electronic signature activation

How to activate NEW
Certum's electronic signature?

Activate a Signature

Electronic signature renewal

Renewal of Certum's e-signature
step by step

Renew a Signature

Protect your documents with
a Qualified Electronic Seal

Buy a Seal

One of the largest
Certification Authorities in Europe


One of the first mobile e-seal
solutions available in EU


Recognizable in all EU countries


Compliant with EU law

20 years

Of experience

What is the Certum Electronic Seal?


Sealing documents online

Qualified electronic seal is a digital equivalent of your company’s physical seal. It has the name, address, and other company information.
Our clients use it to authenticate and ensure the integrity of their electronic documents.

The Certum electronic seal is available in two variants: saved on a smart card inserted into a reader, and in the SimplySign mobile app. We will help you choose the option which best suits your needs.
Certum Qualified electronic seal is compliant with EU law and eIDAS regulation.

Electronic seal and electronic signature


Certum Qualified electronic seal is not an alternative to the e-signature. Our clients often use both of these solutions. They use the electronic seal to authenticate company documents, and electronic signature is used in case when somebody’s declaration of will is needed.


Certum Qualified electronic seal in use


Official correspondence and invoices

You can use the Certum Qualified electronic seal to mark the electronic documents of your company. It identifies your company and complies with all legal requirements. It cannot be forged and the contractor is sure that the invoice, offer, or any other document originating from your company.

Official company electronic correspondence

Electronic invoices

Offers for clients

Legal documents



Internal documentation and archiving

Organized company documentation will help you find what you are looking for without any problems. Thanks to Certum Qualified electronic seal you will mark and authenticate your company’s documents. You will be sure that any archived contracts, reports or employee records are the ones you are looking for.

Employee records

Archived contracts

Plans and strategies

Reports and accounts

Adjust the technology
to your needs


Seal documents
in a mobile app


Seal documents using
a card and a reader

Seal documents with SimplySign on your mobile device

You seal your documents with a small reader and cryptographic cards

How does it work?


  • The only things you need to seal a document is the mobile app
  • You can use the app on your smartphone, tablet or computer
  • You can seal your company’s documents at any given place or time
  • Two-factor authentication gives you extra security
  • The application works on smartphones, tablets, and computers with Windows, macOS, AndroidOS, iOS operating systems
  • You can seal documents on your computer
  • To seal a document, you need a smart card and a reader
  • To authenticate a seal you need a PIN code
  • The reader works on Windows and macOS operating systems

When to choose it?

Choose SimplySign mobile app if you value mobility and if you want to seal business documents at any given place or time.

Seal company documents in your office

Certum Electronic Seal Features


Cooperation with Adobe

Your stamp will be automatically recognized in the Adobe software



Along with the seal you receive a card and drivers


Company reputation

You care about your own and your company’s reputation


Building trust

You build trust and credibility among your customers

Let us help you choose


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