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TLS/SSL products linking the G20 endorsed unique organisation identifier will be available through Certum’s global SSL reseller network

London UK, Szczecin Poland, August 17 2020 – Ubisecure, a GLEIF accredited Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) issuer and identity services specialist, and Certum, a European Certificate Authority established in 1998, today announce that Certum joins Ubisecure’s LEI program for CAs and will include LEIs as an organisation identity attribute in TLS/SSL Certs.
Certum joins US-based CA DigiCert and Spanish-based CA FirmaPro in its public support to assess the opportunity LEIs offer the CA ecosystem and its stakeholders. Certum will issue SSL/TLS Certs containing LEIs issued by Ubisecure’s RapidLEI service to enhance the identity assurance provided to parties relying on the Certificate’s identity information.

The LEI is endorsed by the G20 and the only global organisation identifier to be standardised across all jurisdictions. LEIs are a unique reference to an organisation’s live, publicly verifiable organisation identity record, and being renewable annually, already aligns with the new requirements for CAs to issue SSL/TLS records with a maximum validity of one year only. Parties relying on the LEI-enabled Certificate will be able to see the Certificate owner’s LEI Number and use the free LEI database to view their comprehensive organisation identity record.
There are 1.6 million LEIs in use today and the identifier offers many advantages to the CAs and their customers using them, as detailed in this RapidLEI blog “Top reasons TLS/SSL Certs & Digital Signatures can benefit from Legal Entity Identifiers”.
The partnership will also see Certum utilise Ubisecure’s RapidLEI services as a source of organisation identity verification, with an aim to increase issuance speed of organisation-validated Certificates.

Chris Hudson, Director of Channel at Ubisecure’s RapidLEI division said: “Certum joining Ubisecure’s LEI program for CAs shows commitment to delivering enhanced transparency and trust in their TLS/SSL products. Certum has a strong partner network and many customers throughout Europe, and we’re very excited to play our part delivering the value that LEI provide to a wider, Certificate-focused customer base.”
Tomasz Litarowicz, Unit Director at Certum said: “It’s important to continually evaluate how our Certificate products can be enhanced to deliver additional trust and transparency to relying parties. The standardisation used within the LEI ecosystem makes them a valuable attribute, and one that logically enhances TLS/SSL Certificates. We also expect that the RapidLEI service will help our validation team issue organisation-validated TLS/SSL Certificates faster, providing a better customer experience for our partners and customers.”

Patrycja Tulinska, CEO at PSW GROUP said “There have been many changes in recent years to improve the security delivered by to TLS/SSL Certificates. By incorporating LEIs as an organisation identifying attribute, we see a positive action to also enhance how Certificates deliver transparency, trust, and accountability. As both a Certum and RapidLEI partner, we welcome this partnership and the potential it brings.”

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