Renew or activate signature

Electronic signature activation

How to activate NEW
Certum's electronic signature?

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Electronic signature renewal

Renewal of Certum's e-signature
step by step

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Paperless — the solution to a paper shortage

The recent increase in paper prices in both retail and wholesale could not go unnoticed. Meanwhile, manufacturers are already warning that another price increase is coming. Higher prices and longer waiting times encourage the search for solutions that replace or reduce paper to a minimum wherever possible — in line with the paperless concept.

What is the reason behind the shortage of paper?

The paper industry is facing a shortage of paper in the market. It concerns virtually every type of paper, from office paper, through colored paper, to toilet paper and packaging paper.
The reasons lie in increased demand and rising transport prices between Asia and Europe — paper for European markets is mainly imported from Asia. Moreover, the pandemic has definitely inhibited paper trade between China and Europe, it goes as far as rationing reams of paper.
High yet erratic demand for paper, in the two years of the pandemic, has resulted in low inventories not only at wholesalers and retailers, but also in production.

What will be the price of the paper?

Polish paper manufacturers were not prepared for this state of affairs. Responding to market demands and increasing production is time consuming and requires large investments. As a result, it is estimated that February will bring a paper price increase of up to 100%.

The price increase is also influenced by:

  • the current cost of cellulose, which has remained at stable high level over the previous year.
  • increases in energy, oil, and wood prices.

Paper production is very energy intensive and with the current inflation as well as gas and electricity price increases, we can expect further increases in paper production costs.
In case of wood — the basic raw material in paper production, we can also call it a shortage, which is influenced not only by high demand for this raw material in other industries, e.g., the construction industry, but also by unproductive export policy of the state.

A problem with paper? Time to go paperless!

In the time of paper shortage, consider using tools to reduce paper use, minimize printing, and keeping documentation in physical form. As things stand, business conducted without paper, using electronic workflow, electronic signature, digital identity and its verification, is beginning to gain ground. –

The benefits of being paperless can be reaped by all market participants in all industries. The two most important advantages of a business going paperless are:

  • greater efficiency of operations,
  • increased security of document workflow.

The core of paperless solutions is the electronic signature, which enables the digitization of documentation that previously required paper form. There are solutions on the market such as the SimplySign mobile electronic signature, which allows to sign documents in any format at any time.
Electronic signature, be it its mobile version or the classic solution using a card and a reader, allows not only to set up an electronic archive, but also eliminates the need for using traditional delivery of paper letters and documents by mail or courier services. Savings are achieved not only on printing and paper for documents, but also on paper used for envelopes and packaging as well as the cost of transporting them.

Electronic signature — opinions of entrepreneurs

A positive development perspective for the electronic signature is that the total number of respondents who use electronic signature solutions consider them very useful tools in their daily lives. The 2021 European Leasing Fund report on the digital revolution in the leasing market (Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy “Cyfrowa rewolucja na rynku leasingu. Pod lupą”) shows that one in five representatives of the SME sector is an electronic signature user, while 64% of entrepreneurs intend to implement this tool within the next 3 years.

Digitizing enterprise documentation is an integral part of digital transformation. The transition to using electronic documents is characteristic of new companies that implement paperless solutions from day one. 66% of companies claim it would take them up to three years to completely digitize the documentation they currently keep in paper form.

Paper shortage is not a problem!

The growing openness of companies to the use of electronic signature and their positive attitude towards the digitalization of documentation indicates that SMEs are prepared to undergo this process. The digitalization of services and processes should be an important goal for the next few years for the widest range of businesses. Not only will it improve business operations, but also provide an opportunity for dynamic economic development.
The increasing cost of using paper, as well as problems with its availability, could be the catalyst for significant change. On the one hand, digitalization will allow companies to maintain all business processes, on the other hand, they will help to take care of the environment. Reducing your use of paper can be simple, this is why it is worth changing your habits and join those already running a paperless business.


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EFL Report, 2021 “Cyfrowa rewolucja na rynku leasingu. Pod lupą.”